Artist Brand Management

The way you are seen by the public is your brand, whether you think of it this way or not. This includes everything that you or anyone else publishes about you and your work. Ignoring this means that you become a part of the audience, letting others tell you who you are. Where the art world typically tells people how to think, brand management seeks to understand how people think and speak to them in a way that they understand. ACA helps you meet people half way.

  • We advise on content strategies to drive engagement and grow your social media following.

  • We clear permissions, create reproduction stipulations, review and advise on non-exclusive licenses for images of artworks, artist portraits and in-studio photography.

  • We help manage relationships between artists and publishers to ensure that catalogue and monograph content aligns with the client's goals.

  • We monitor press and social media accounts for mentions and use of images to ensure that you are protected.


PR for Visual Artists